Reverse IP lookup technology provides information about the domain name behind an IP address. B2B marketers use this information to build account target account lists and track campaign effectiveness.
Whether you know it or not, chances are you interact with thousands or even millions of pixels every day. However, savvy marketers know that pixels can be used for much more than just watching cat...
Retargeting is a highly effective way to recapture website visitors once they have left and keep your brand top of mind, but it’s not without its drawbacks. Without a carefully crafted retargeting...
If you've signed into Google Analytics in the past couple of days and are no longer seeing ‘Network Domain’ or ‘Service Provider,’ you’re not going crazy. This is not a mistake, not a bug, this is...
This year alone, marketers will lose about $6 billion to fraudulent ad activity, and the worst part is, they don’t even know they’ve been scammed. Now you might be thinking this doesn’t apply to you,...